Monday, November 26, 2012

Final Proposal

There are times in my life when I’m surrounded by friends and family and I like to remove myself mentally from the situation and look at the small things that don’t seem to matter much, or get any attention at all. This can be something small of how the light is reflecting upon the wall or how an object sits lonesome by itself. Much of the time the things that I pick up on reflect a sense of emptiness, loneliness or something is missing or at lost. Yet it’s a tranquil and calm feeling given off much in the time when chaos surrounds it.

For my final project I want to take and capture these “empty” moments, for a week while I am surround by family and friends is the only time I will shoot. Capturing the moments in which I remove myself from the action. Exposing the overlooked in a chaos with these images.  I would like to take an approach to these with the photographic styles of Uta Barth in mind. The way she looks at space, color and light will be reflected within my work.