Monday, September 10, 2012


How people present themselves in a public setting in front of society may be much different then what they portray behind closed doors.  Growing up with someone you start to develop a strong relationship with them, secretes are exploited and gestures of insecurity are to be known. This relationship is a crucial part when photographing an intimate relationship between the viewer and the subject.
            I have developed a strong relationship with my bother, growing up with him wasn’t the easiest up until a little over a year ago I had grown up in a house hold that consisted of lots of yelling and screaming whenever it came time to wake my bother up for anything. About a year ago we discovered that my bother has narcolepsy, as the doctors whom diagnosed him would describes “one of the worst cases that we have seen… he can fall into a full REM sleep in 1.67 seconds.” Using the relationship I have developed with my bother over the years I want to exploit how hard it is on both him and the family preparing him for life outside the four walls of our home.
            I am want my final project will consist of 5-7 images, each depicting a scene of what he goes though in everyday life. The idea is to photograph him a few times a day for about a week, I want to change it up day to day, starting off with just being an observer of the situation and then beginning to engage with him seeing how the images differ from each other, ended up with 50-75 images to edit down from. I really want this project to reflect what goes on behind the public eye so it will stay contained within our families private settings.
            Nan Goldin, Richard Billingham, and Larry Clark are artists that I have looked at while thinking about this idea of photographing my brother, they all reference the behind the scenes idea of what is being hidden from society. The scenes these artists photography are of not big events in the subjects lives, nor about a specified emotion the subjects are showing but rather their everyday lives and who they are as a person.

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